Shinto Muso Ryu Jo

at the        


Nishioka sensei & Relnick sensei

Our teacher is Philip Relnick Sensei , Menkyo Kaiden of  the Shinto Muso Ryu. He and his  teacher, Tsuneo Nishioka Sensei, Menkyo Kaiden, have given us much to practice and also  much of themselves. Both of these  teachers studied under Shimizu Takaji Sensei, past  Headmaster of the Shinto Muso Ryu.


Shimizu Takaji Sensei
Past Headmaster of Shinto Muso Ryu
(portrait by Brent Smith)

Jen & Brad Boute

Jen Boute & Ram Saaty
Men and women both find the stick fits their hands.
"oooff!!" Mimi & Keith Slatoff Mimi Slatoff & Charlie James

Ki, Ken, Tai ...Ichi ...."Spirit, Sword, Body ...all are One" is a goal


Gasshuku With Relnick Sensei

"mokuso"    A. Clark and M. Manrod
Mokuso before beginning                     Kata finishes with osame jo

J. Boute and B. Boute         K. Slatoff and C. James
Strong zanshin during seigan and kaeshi zuki

Relnick Sensei Watches Kata  Sensei watches "Tsubawari"
Relnick Sensei watches our training

A. Clark, uchi dachi and K. Slatoff, shi dachi       K. Slatoff, uchi dachi and M. Slatoff, shi dachi
Kengome begins with nito and then uchidachi "loses" the kodachi later in the kata

 A. Clark, K. Slatoff, and M. Slatoff   S. Furbush and K. Slatoff
Strong focus and control of the jo is necessary all of the time

Group striking practice Respect, Thankyou, and Until Next Time
Group suburi and then the three day gasshuku ends

Click on this link for photos from the October, 2000 gasshuku at the Jiyushinkan
Click on this link for photos from the March, 2004 Gasshuku at the Jiyushinkan

"Mu Ga"


 Selflessness is a concept many budoka strive for. Is it possible for us to really "lose our self" or our "ego"?

Perhaps what really happens is that we just become less fearful and lose our attachments. We can be human, awake, and aware of all that is around and part of us instead of feeling separate and self-involved.

Could that be ego in a twinkle in the eye?

Updated August, 2005
Copyright 1996- 2005 by C. E. Clark, All Rights Reserved