Shinto Muso Ryu Jo

Gasshuku with Phil Relnick, Menkyo Kaiden and Nobuko Relnick, Gomokuroku 
held at the Jiyushinkan on October 27 - 29, 2000

Sensei Lecture        Steve Furbush and Ginny Atkinson
History Lecture and Kihon Tandoku (without a partner) practice 

Mimi Slatoff, uchidachi and Ginny Atkinson, shidachi         David Bedard, shidachi and Aaron Clark, uchidachi
Lots of Kihon Sotai  (pairs training) ...and still more Sotai

Aaron Clark, uchidachi and Relnick sensei, shidachi    David Bedard, shidachi and Aaron Clark, uchidachi
Instruction on Kihon from Sensei and then more Kihon Sotai

Instruction for uchidachi      Steve Furbush, uchidachi and Brad Boute, shidachi
Intent to Cut! ...   and a well focused tsuki during kata practice

David Bedard, shidachi and Keith Slatoff, uchidachi     Denis Dorris, shidachi and Steve Furbush, uchidachi
Kata finishes with strong zanshin

Jen Boute, shidachi and Keith Slatoff, uchidachi         John Sims, uchidachi and Mimi Slatoff, shidachi
Kuritsuke in kata practice ...and more kata

Nobuko Relnick and John Rennie     John Sims, shidachi and Charlie James, uchidachi
Nobuko san explaining a point about kihon and kata practice

the Relnicks demonstrate   
Shinto Ryu kenjutsu

Will Schutt, shidachi and John Sims, uchidachi    Brad Boute, shidachi and Walt Hansen, uchidachi
Strong focus with the jo in the eyes and Tsubawari in progress

Walt Hansen, uchidachi and Steve Furbush, shidachi    Steve Furbush and Mimi Slatoff
More kata... and then... Ouch! ... I give up already!

Photos by C. Clark
Copyright 2000 by C. Clark, All Rights Reserved