Shinto Muso Ryu Jo
- Gasshuku with Phil Relnick, Menkyo Kaiden and
Nobuko Relnick, Gomokuroku
- held at the Jiyushinkan on October 27 - 29,
- History Lecture and Kihon Tandoku
(without a partner) practice
- Lots of Kihon Sotai (pairs
training) ...and still more Sotai
- Instruction on Kihon from Sensei and
then more Kihon Sotai
- Intent to Cut! ... and
a well focused tsuki during kata practice
- Kata finishes with strong zanshin
- Kuritsuke in kata practice ...and
more kata
- Nobuko san explaining a point
about kihon and kata practice
- Shinto Ryu kenjutsu
- Strong focus with the jo in the
eyes and Tsubawari in progress
- More kata... and then... Ouch!
... I give up already!
- Photos by C. Clark
- Copyright 2000 by
C. Clark, All Rights Reserved