Aikido as practiced in the Jiyushinkai stresses
systematic explanation and understanding of principle along with
the practice of kihon dosa (basic principle movements)
in sotai kata renshu (two person kata) and then the application
of these basics in randori. We use the kata training
methods of Tomiki Sensei, however, we do not take part in the
sport or kyogi aikido which the mainstream Tomiki groups
practice. |
Jiyushin randori consists of one person
attacking (setting up a real conflict with sincere commitment
and strong intent) and if the answering technique is not successful
then countering techniques (brought about through intuitive,
creative decision making processes) are made by each person until
a technique happens that cannot be countered. This practice is
initially done in slow motion with strong intent. It is essential
that excessive force and speed are not the deciding factors in
the success of the techniques. |
Large, fast, and strong people should not
rely on these assets because there is always someone bigger,
faster, and stronger. We know that we are all less capable of
strong athletic skills as we grow older. We must practice principles
that do not require great strength and acrobatic skills while
we are young in order to attain the skill necessary to overcome
hardness with softness when we are older. Quality kata
and randori practice leads us to the true essence of Ueshiba
Morihei's concept of Takemusu Aiki (the never ending flow
of creative aikido that is appropriate for this instant). |